Process Management & Project Management Consultancy
What is a management system?
A management system is the way in which an organization manages the inter-related parts of its business in order to achieve its objectives. It may simply mean having strong leadership from the business owner, providing a clear definition of what is expected from each individual employee and how they contribute to the organization’s overall objectives, without the need for extensive documentation and extra cost.
Find hidden capacity, improve plant productivity and efficiency, and increase the company bottom line –
Monitor root cause for downtimes and identify improvement areas to improve your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) without additional investment in people and material costs.
Get real time information you can trust to make difficult and important decisions –
Real time plant information delivery enables senior management to make critical decisions quickly and reliably.
Improve operational quality and efficiency-
Our quality management modules help launch process improvement initiatives like Six Sigma. They also provide Key Production Indicators (KPI) for plant information analysis and feedback.
Project Management Consultancy (PMC)
Need to integrate a new acquisition? Improve your manufacturing process? Implement the latest information technology? Our project management consultants support these objectives by expertly planning and leading the execution of your initiatives. We apply the discipline of project management to create and transform your plan from concept to reality. Our project management consultants have strong interpersonal skills to bring projects to completion on time and on budget while ensuring the benefits of your investment are sustainable.